Murder By Numbers Introduction:
The opening credits begin with a slow moving forward, level, MID establishing shot, displaying waves crashing against rocky cliffs; seeming calm whilst setting the scene. The crashing waves may symbolically connote a future threat or disturbance, intriguing the audience. A sense of isolation is also suggested, as the audience follow the waves through the camera, without any characters present.
Non-diagetic music combines with the shot; slow piano keys and violins are heard. Both the violins play slow and upbeat paces, as if to stimulate a heartbeat; which may be used to create tension for the audience, with an additional sense of uncertainty. The editor fades this shot to a black, back grounded screen with credits, bridging the non-diagetic music, to continue the suspense without exhibiting a visual aid.
The director prolongs the suspenseful atmosphere, through the edited fading of an establishing long shot, displaying what seems to be an abandoned house at the cliff edge, and the camera slowly zooms into the window of the building. Continuing inside the building, the ms-en-scene exhibits an aged wooden interior, giving it a eerie character.
The non-diagetic music is edited out through lowering the volume and diagetic dialogue begins; indicating the arrival of the previous build-ups climax to the audience, allowing them to concentrate upon both dialogue and visuals. This also reveals that the building is not abandoned, especially as two male characters, one with a bobbed hair cut and one with short gelled spiky dark hair, are seen face to face in a birds eye shot; creating an abnormal view of the scene provoking an uncomfortable, tense atmosphere through the choice of camera shot.
The editor quickly cuts to a black screen displaying more credits with a silent pause; which may be used to prolong tension and curiosity. Then adding a non-diagetic gun shot, creating shock as possible a hook for the audience, whilst teasing their curiosity; thus provoking more interest.
The following shots demonstrate an introduction to the male characters previously seen, hinting that the suggested 'death' of one of the males is yet to be revealed to the audience, which could be another intentional ploy to tease them.
A long shot establishes, through the Set's furnishings, what seems to be a class room. Young male and female characters wearing casual clothes are also in the shot sitting at wooden desks, the ms-en-scene indicates that these characters are students. They appear to be listening to a speaker as diagetic dialogue can be heard. He is similarly clothed, stationed at a lectern.
A mid shot of this speaker reveals that he is one of the male characters previously seen, through his distinct bobbed hair style. The pace of cuts have increased creating drama; this may be deliberately used to force the audience to engage in this section, so they don't miss important information.
A slightly low angle group shot gives more detail of the class. One male student particularly stands out in this camera shot as he is in the middle and his actions are individual; his head is buried in his arms, whilst other students are sitting upright. The director may have used this to draw the audiences attention to him, giving his character significance.
The camera returns to the mid shot of the speaker, appearing to look emotively at the male student.
Followed by a low angle mid shot, the male student character is seen rebelliously looking up and snickering at the speaker, the ms-en-scene and detail provided of the character, through the camera shot, helps confirm him as the other male in the gun shot scene.
Through the build up of camera shots and the increasing pace of cuts, the director hints sexual tension between the characters; which may be used to intrigue the audience, but could also be used to create an awkward feeling through the sexual connotations.
Both men seemed to agree to the shooting, becoming at one with each other, but here they are suggested as opposites in society; one seeming lazy through his posturing, whilst the other seems intellectual through his positioning at the lectern. This provokes the impression of an unbalanced and strained relationship which could also connote their wanted secrecy of their true, abnormal, relationship; engaging and increasing the audiences curiosity.
The Negotiator Introduction:
The opening credits begin with non-diagetic music involving a piano playing high pitched notes, creating suspense, with a constant drum beat, as if to stimulate a heart beat, and a violin adding a sense of drama to the composition which could imply future dramatic events.
The following montage of images are black and white, implying that they are past events, seeming to introduce history of characters in the film and their relationships.
A character laughing is immediately displayed through a mid shot, he has a dark complexion, possibly provoking the audience to assume an African origin, and wears a white shirt; the ms-en-scene implies his working class using his suggested ethnicity and clothing.
A fade to an extreme close up of a white man's eyes, teamed with the suspenseful music, suggest an evil presence.
Stereotypically, the black man is usually viewed as the perpetrator and the white man the victor. The director may have chosen to subvert the stereotype to develop a sense of uncertainty and corruption, intriguing the audience.
Through a two shot the black man and a white man are laughing, the camera allows more of the white man to be seen suggesting the audience should side with his positive expression. A connotation of this may be that the white man has the upper-hand of the situation, stereotypically suggesting his success. Non-diagetic laughter is echoed over the music; exemplifying that this is a past event, supporting the implication of a positive relationship.
Another two shot, sided with the black man displays him, appearing to be in conversation, pointing at another white man, relaxed, wearing a cap back to front, smoking a cigar whilst holding what seems to be a pack of cards. The ms-en-scene and shot position help the audience side with the black man, as he wears a shirt and seems authoritative against the other man.
A rising crane shot of a tall building, in black and
white, is briefly interrupted by two quick edited fades of more black and white images. Through a high angled mid shot, a white man is displayed seeming to fight the black man. The camera allows the white man to use more space in the shot to create a sense of dominance over the other man. Via the high angle shot, the audience could be provoked to side with the black man, as they are forced to look up at the white man through the camera.
A close, level, mid shot of the black man's reaction highlights his facial expression and defensive position; satisfying the audiences want for detail. A sudden non-diagetic music effect is added to the music as these shots interrupt. The director may have intentionally used this to increase tension built and to possibly keep the audience aware, through this unexpected attribute.
The title then appears through a fade effect, with the non-diagetic music still present and an added non-diagetic breathing sound; maintaining the tension built.
Within a mid shot, the ms-en-scene suggests that the three white men seen are highly ranked military officers, due to their uniforms, posture and badges. As all of the men in this image are white, a possible speculation may be that the white men have power and the black man, previously exhibited, have lower authority. Nevertheless, this shot immediately engages the audience as they want to find out why these military figures are important. In addition, the suspenseful non-diagetic music teamed with the images and ms-en-scene may hint corruption; as it has previously been hinted.
The clearing:
opening credits begin on a black screen with white writing fading in and out. As the
opening credits start, non-diagetic string instruments begin, generating a
constant hum. Slow piano keys also join; this atmospheric music implies
something may happen, creating suspense and engaging the audience
The editor
fades into a still-level-long camera shot establishing a street with small
working class houses parallel and squashed together, seeming like a vastly
populated area. The location of this street is influenced by the ms-en-scene
and appears to be American, as one house displays the American flag. The grey
sky is seen through this camera shot, the pathetic fallacy suggests a dark presence in this
seemingly normal neighbourhood, again engaging the audience as they want to find out why.
immediate cut to a slightly low angled close up occurs, the non-diagetic music
continues. Through the camera we see a dark room and what seems to be a
bathroom mirror. The camera man had cleverly angled this shot to not be seen
through the reflection. The audience are personally involved with the occupant
as, through the camera, they are inside the house.
A male
character enters the room and switches on a light, providing more detail in the
scene. We now see ladies belongings in the bathroom, the ms-en-scene suggests
he does not live alone and may be with a female partner. Although the man seems
normal, the non-diagetic music implies otherwise to the audience.
A quick
cut to a close up of the man provides more detail, he seems over 40 years, the
music still continues, the director may want the audience to question if he is a
good or bad character. Fast edited close up cuts are used as he opens the cabinet and administers shaving cream, to create a spontaneous feel.
The camera
shots reveal, through the ms-en-scene, that the character is married as he
wears a ring. Whilst in another close up the man has a parted hairstyle that is
slicked down with gel, the ms-en-scene suggests that he could be a perfectionist.
Through the non-diagetic music, ms-en-scene and camera shots, the audience may feel
sickened by the way the character is represented, as his creepy appearance is emphasised.
The editor then cuts to a mid camera shot, we see through the ms-en-scene that the character dressing. A quick cut to a close up of the characters face highlights his determined expression, implying his overly compulsive nature to the audience. The non-diagetic music also creates a creepy atmosphere and almost exaggerates his expression, this may have been used to intimidate the audience.
A fast edited cut to an uncomfortably extreme-level-close up, displays the characters disembodied feet walking down the stairs, the non-diagetic music is suspenseful, and, the ms-en-scene again suggests his overly compulsive attribute through his precise knotting on both shoes. One intended effect of this could be to intimidate the audience, the choice and implication of this camera shot may also cause the audience to feel of a lower status than the character, thus less powerful.
Immediately cutting to a close up shot of the character the audience see that he holds the bowl close to his face, which again emphasises his cleanliness. The ms-en-scene displays that the character is in the kitchen, due to the utensils and crockery on the set. Diagetic television sounds can now be heard, whilst the non-diagetic music continues, this upholds the eerie feel whilst seeming to create a spontaneous feel for the audience.
Cutting to a mid two shot, it is now clear that the character is standing, the audience may notice that this is generally an unusual way to eat breakfast, making them want to know why he rushes. The non-diagetic music and actions within the camera shot creates a sense of his abnormality. The kitchen's background is visible in this camera shot and the ms-en-scene exhibits many kitchen utensils and crockery draining at the sink, seeming chaotic, possibly connoting a chaotic lifestyle that is contradictory to his nature.
A quick edited cut to a slightly high angle shot looking up displays a luxury mansion, possibly within the countryside. Diagetic bird song is now heard and the previous eerie non-diagetic music is no more. The sun is shinning, with a bright sky, the pathetic fallacy may be used to encourage a positive reaction from the audience. This is a total opposite to the previous chaotic and uncomfortable environment; the director may have wished this 'escape' to relieve the audience. In addition, the high angle of the shot could mean that this would be a fantasy for the audience, as they are not at a level view but a lower view through the camera.
Cutting to a mid camera shot, we see a woman opening curtains, the light provides detail; she has grey hair and wears pearls, the ms-en-scene implies that she is over 50 years and is they lady of the property due to her expensive jewellery. A long two shot exhibits an orderly bedroom through the ms-en-scene we see relaxed, co-ordinated wooden furniture and furnishings; opposite to the chaotic kitchen in the other house. Through the camera another character, a male, is visible. He is much older then the other male and seems more relaxed or possibly lazy, especially as he is in bed; this again relieves and refreshes the audience through the orderly ms-en-scene.
My opinion:
The techniques used in these introductions have helped me understand and appreciate the complexity and importance of first impressions of a film within an introduction. The atmosphere that the director creates is highly important as it influences the audiences reaction; this can, if not properly done, lead to confusion. However, if I, the director, can establish the intended effect through close scrutiny of the camera shots, script, actions, effects, sounds and editing, then as a company we will achieve the intended effect though team-work.